Instructior: Prof. Dr. Giulia Codenotti

Schedule: We will meet on Wednesdays, 12-14  in the seminar room of Arnimallee 2 (so called Villa).


The presentations will be grouped in thematic blocks, each of the blocks consisting of 2-3 presentations. The themes will be related to what we saw in Discrete Geometry 1, but should be presented without assuming much preexisting knowledge. The three blocks are:

  • hyperplane arrangements: intersection poset, characteristic polynomial and counting regions
  • Gale duality and Zonotopes
  • computing triangulations: algorithmic issues and oriented matroids


Hyperplane arrangements:

Stanley, an introduction to hyperplane arrangements:

Gale duality and zonotopal diagrams:
  • Gruenbaum - Convex polytopes (book, available at the library): Sections 5.4 and 6.3
  • McMullen - On zonotopes