Instructior: Prof. Dr. Giulia Codenotti
Schedule: We will meet on Wednesdays, 12-14 in the seminar room of Arnimallee 2 (so called Villa).
NEW: Evaluation of the seminar is now open, QR code for it is in the resources file, the link is Please please please fill it out, it is very important!
The presentations will be grouped in thematic blocks, each of the blocks consisting of 2-3 presentations. The themes will be related to what we saw in Discrete Geometry 1, but should be presented without assuming much preexisting knowledge. The three blocks are:
- hyperplane arrangements: intersection poset, characteristic polynomial and counting regions
- Gale duality and Zonotopes
- computing triangulations: algorithmic issues and oriented matroids
Hyperplane arrangements:
Stanley, an introduction to hyperplane arrangements:
Gale duality and zonotopal diagrams:
- Gruenbaum - Convex polytopes (book, available at the library): Sections 5.4 and 6.3
- McMullen - On zonotopes
- Pfeifle and Rambau: Computing Triangulations Using_Oriented Matroids
- Rambau, proposition 2.2 in this paper
De Loera, Rambau, Santos - Triangulations: Structures for Algorithms and Applications (book available at the library), specifically chapter 4 and section 8.1