Meeting Times
Lecture: Thursdays 8:30-10:00 in A6.007/008
Fitness session: Wednesdays 16:15-17:45 in A6.031 (we will meet 16:30-18:00 on Oct 25, Nov 29 and Dec 20; see )
Homework appears every Wednesday under >Resources >>Homework and is due (Paarabgabe) the following Wednesday. In order to earn the aktive Teilnahme, you will need at least 50% of the homework points at the end of the term, and you will need to act as a grader for one homework set. You can sign up for your shift on a first-come-first-served basis under >Sign-up.
Lattice Polytopes
A lattice polytope is the convex hull of finitely many points all whose coordinates are integers. We will count lattice points in them, triangulate them, estimate their volumes and do all kinds of other fun stuff with lattice polytopes.
will be announced in class.
Zusätzliche Informationen
The target audience are students with a solid background in discrete geometry and/or convex geometry (en par with Discrete Geometry I & II). The topic of this course is a state-of-art of advanced topics in discrete geometry that find applications and incarnations in differential geometry, topology, combinatorics, and algebraic geometry.
Voraussetzungen: Preferably Discrete Geometry I and II.