Seminar Integer Programming (Winter 2020/21)
General Information
- Topic Assignment: The first meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, at 12 c.t. As no external visitors are allowed at ZIB, the meeting will take place online via WebEx (Link).
- Kick-off: The second meeting on Tuesday, December 15, 15.00 s.t. features 5-minute presentations by all students on their topic. The WebEx Meetings link has been sent by e-mail.
- Block Seminar: The full seminar talks (45 minutes) take place online on Tuesday, February 16. See here for the schedule.
We will distribute all further information, in particular the WebEx links, via e-mail. Please make sure that you are reachable by the same address as in the Student list Whiteboard section of this course.
It is required to hand in a summary on your topic before giving your talk. The final grade is composed of that summary (40%) and of course the seminar talk (60%). Detailed instructions will be communicated by e-mail.
The papers are available in the Resources section.
# | Paper | Student | Advisor |
1 | The Benders Decomposition Algorithm: A Literature Review | Sarah Burchert | NL |
2 | Very large-scale neighborhood search A Survey of Very Large-Scale Neighboorhood Search | Varun Prasad | RB |
3 | Weighted digraphs and tropical cones | Enrico Bortoletto | NL |
4 | Fast Integer Programming in Fixed Dimension/ Integer Programming and Algorithmic Geometry of Numbers | Piotr Rutkowski | NL |
5 | Projected Newton methods and optimization of multicommodity flows | Felix Merz | RB |
6 | A Combinatorial Algorithm for the Multi-commodity Flow Problem | Adrian Ottens | RB |
7 | Disjunctive Programming | Sibel Erdik | RB |
8 | Exact approaches for solving a covering problem with capacitated subtrees | William Surau | SS |
Name | Room (in principle) | |
Prof. Dr. Ralf Borndörfer | | ZIB 3033 |
Dr. Niels Lindner | | ZIB 3007 |
German Description:
Dieses Seminar ist für Studentinnen und Studenten gedacht, die ihre Masterarbeit im Bereich Ganzzahlige Optimierung schreiben wollen. Es werden weiterführende Themen aus dem Gebiet bearbeitet, die auf eine Masterarbeit vorbereiten sollen.
Zusätzliche Informationen
Das Seminar wird als Blockseminar durchgeführt. Der erste Termin zur Themenvergabe findet statt am Di, 10.11.2020, 12-14, per WebEx (Link).
Die weiteren beiden Termine (Kurzvorträge in der Mitte des Semesters und der eigentliche Seminartermin am Semesterende) werden dort bekannt gegeben.