
When a course instance has been created from a template, the course instance will be in this state

  • Data is usually still incomplete and everything can still be edited.
  • Lecturers or secretaries can move the state forward to Edited.

Diese Veranstaltung richtet sich an Masterstudierende im ersten Semester, insbesondere an solche, die von anderen Universitäten oder aus dem Ausland zu uns gekommen sind. Es werden organisatorische und inhaltliche Informationen über das Studium gegeben, anschließend ist ein inoffizieller Teil zum Kennenlernen und zum Erfahrungsaustausch geplant.

This information session is aimed at master's students in their first semester, especially those who did their bachelor's degree at another university (in Germany or a different country). Attendants will be provided with information on the organization and the content of their studies. Afterwards there will be the opportunity to talk to experienced master's students and get to know fellow students.


Expectant Mother

Not dangerous
Partly dangerous
Alternative Course

Nursing Mother

Not dangerous
Partly dangerous
Alternative Course