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ncRNAs stellen eine grosse Klasse von kodierender Sequenz dar, welche ein weites Spektrum von Funktionen hat, welche hauptsächlich durch ihre Struktur bestimmt sind. In den letzten 10 Jahren hat die Untersuchung von RNA-Funktion stetig zugenommen und somit auch die Bedeutung der RNA Bioinformatik, in der Methoden entwickelt werden um RNA-Sequenz, -Struktur und -Funktion mit Bioinformatikmethoden zu untersuchen. Das Ziel des Seminars wird es sein, ausgewählte Zeitschriftenartikel aus dem Gebiet der RNA Bioinformatik zu untersuchen und kritisch zu diskutieren.


ncRNAs have been recognized as an abundant class of genes with a wide spectrum of functions, often performed through their structure. Given their involvement in almost every biological process, in the last 10 years increasing attention has been given to RNA bioinformatics, the discipline devoted to the development of computational tools and methodologies for the analysis of RNA sequence, structure and function.
The goal of this seminar is to look deeper at some selected journal articles describing algorithms or statistical methods for ncRNA promoter and gene finding, RNA structure prediction, ncRNA functional analysis, RNA motif discovery and RNA-protein interaction prediction. In addition, the aim will be to use every article as a starting point to critically assess the methodologies, and understand how can they be improved or extended to other contexts.


Expectant Mother

Not dangerous
Partly dangerous
Alternative Course

Nursing Mother

Not dangerous
Partly dangerous
Alternative Course