
When a course instance has been created from a template, the course instance will be in this state

  • Data is usually still incomplete and everything can still be edited.
  • Lecturers or secretaries can move the state forward to Edited.

The lecture will provide an overview of the planets, moons and small bodies in our Solar System. Topics are: planetary dynamics, planetary surfaces, age determination, planet formation, interior structure and composition, atmospheres, magnetic fields, habitability, comets and asteroids, the icy moons, extra solar planets.
The lecture will provide an overview of the planets, moons and small bodies in our Solar System. Topics are: planetary dynamics, planetary surfaces, age determination, planet formation, interior structure and composition, atmospheres, magnetic fields, habitability, comets and asteroids, the icy moons, extra solar planets.


Expectant Mother

Not dangerous
Partly dangerous
Alternative Course

Nursing Mother

Not dangerous
Partly dangerous
Alternative Course