Randomized Algorithms S24
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Randomized algorithms

Algorithms that use randomness are often faster, easier to implement and easier to understand than deterministic algorithms, and in some cases, the only efficient algorithm we know for solving a problem is a randomized one. Understanding the role that randomness plays in computation is one of the great scientific questions of our time. This course will survey various algorithmic techniques, covering different aspects of the use of randomness in computation.

Possible topics include (but are not limited to): random sampling, random walks, randomized data structures, random graph models, minimum spanning trees and cuts in graphs, randomized verification, predicting the future with the help of experts, geometric algorithms, randomized incremental construction, load balancing, pattern matching, the probabilistic method, Chernoff bounds, primality testing, isolation, ski-rental and paging, approximation and LP-rounding.

(The course will be given in English.)


Useful links:  [organization notes]   [list of topics]   [materials]   [old list of topics ('19)]



[MR] R. Motwani, P. Raghavan. Randomized Algorithms. Cambridge University Press, 1995

[MU] M. Mitzenmacher, E. Upfal. Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis. Cambridge University Press; 2nd edition, 2017

[CLRS] Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein: Introduction to Algorithms, 4th Ed. MIT Press 2022

[KT] J. Kleinberg, E. Tardos. Algorithm Design, Addison-Wesley 2005

[AS] N. Alon, J. Spencer. The Probabilistic Method. Fourth Edition. Wiley, 2016


Recommended background

ALP3 and advanced algorithms or comparable. All interested Master or advanced Bachelor students are welcome.


Exam timeslots

Thu (18. July)

14.00 14.30
15.00 15.30
16.00 16.30

Fri (19. July)

10.00 10.30
11.00 11.30
12.00 12.30
13.00 13.30 break?
14.00 14.30
15.00 15.30
16.00 16.30


Basic Course Info

Course No Course Type Hours
19315401 Vorlesung 4
19315402 Übung 2

Time Span 16.04.2024 - 18.07.2024
László Kozma

Study Regulation

0086c_k150 2014, BSc Informatik (Mono), 150 LPs
0086d_k135 2014, BSc Informatik (Mono), 135 LPs
0087d_k90 2015, BSc Informatik (Kombi), 90 LPs
0088d_m60 2015, MSc Informatik (Kombi), 60 LPs
0089b_MA120 2008, MSc Informatik (Mono), 120 LPs
0089c_MA120 2014, MSc Informatik (Mono), 120 LPs
0207b_m37 2015, MSc Informatik (Lehramt), 37 LPs
0208b_m42 2015, MSc Informatik (Lehramt), 42 LPs
0458a_m37 2015, MSc Informatik (Lehramt), 37 LPs
0471a_m42 2015, MSc Informatik (Lehramt), 42 LPs
0556a_m37 2018, M-Ed Fach 1 Informatik (Lehramt an Integrierten Sekundarschulen und Gymnasien), 37 LPs
0556b_m37 2023, M-Ed Informatik Fach 1 (Lehramt an Integrierten Sekundarschulen und Gymnasien), 37 LP
0557a_m42 2018, M-Ed Fach 2 Informatik (Lehramt an Integrierten Sekundarschulen und Gymnasien), 42 LPs
0557b_m42 2023, M-Ed Informatik Fach 2 Informatik (Lehramt an Integrierten Sekundarschulen und Gymnasien), 42 LPs

Randomized Algorithms S24
to Whiteboard Site

Main Events

Day Time Location Details
Tuesday 10-12 T9/053 Seminarraum 2024-04-16 - 2024-07-16
Thursday 10-12 T9/053 Seminarraum 2024-04-18 - 2024-07-18

Accompanying Events

Day Time Location Details
Wednesday 10-12 T9/053 Seminarraum Übung 01

Randomized Algorithms S24
to Whiteboard Site

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Randomized Algorithms S24
to Whiteboard Site

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