Visualization for Artificial Intelligence Explainability W24/25
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As AI systems grow more powerful, there is an increasing need to make these complex "black box" models interpretable and explainable. This seminar explores how data visualization techniques can provide crucial insights into how AI models operate and arrive at their outputs. Cutting-edge methods like saliency maps, decision trees, and dimensionality reduction visualizations allow us to peer inside deep neural networks and understand what factors they are considering.


The seminar also covers visualization literacy - effectively communicating AI explainability visualizations to different stakeholders. Case studies highlight best practices for visualizing model behavior, evaluating fairness, and instilling appropriate levels of trust. Attendees will gain an understanding of how visualization can demystify AI, foster transparency, and enable real-world deployment of these systems in high-stakes domains.

Basic Course Info

Course No Course Type Hours
19336311 Seminar 2

Time Span 23.10.2024 - 12.02.2025
Georges Hattab

Study Regulation

0496a_MA120 2016, MSc Computational Science (Mono), 120 LPs
0590b_MA120 2021, MSc Data Science, 120 LP

Visualization for Artificial Intelligence Explainability W24/25
to Whiteboard Site

Main Events

Day Time Location Details
Wednesday 10-12 A3/019 Seminarraum 2024-10-23 - 2025-02-12

Accompanying Events

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?? ? - ? Akshat Dubey

Visualization for Artificial Intelligence Explainability W24/25
to Whiteboard Site

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Visualization for Artificial Intelligence Explainability W24/25
to Whiteboard Site

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