Technology Entrepreneurship W20/21
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This course introduces the fundamentals of technology entrepreneurship. Students will learn about the process technology entrepreneurs use to start innovative companies, e.g. Design Thinking, Effectuation or Business Modelling. To gain practical experience alongside the theory, students form teams together with engineers and scientists from Freie Universität Berlin (FU) and/or with Berlin-based companies. In these interdisciplinary teams, students will have the opportunity to experience hands-on interdisciplinary collaboration by developing real life innovation. The module is part of ESCP Europe’s and FU Berlin’s joint InnoBridge initiative ( Its ultimate goal is to foster the creation of technology based innovation in interdisciplinary teams.


This course permits students to learn how technological innovations can be developed on the basis of current trends, new technologies and existing businesses. In particular, students will achieve the following learning goals:

  • method competencies of technology entrepreneurship
  • professional competences on the basis practical experience of the application of these methods in real life cases
  • interdisciplinary collaboration with company representatives as well as researchers


The course at hand views the interdisciplinary team building as part of the entrepreneurial process and will draw on the latest methods of innovation management as well as entrepreneurship research. During this course students will develop tangible innovation concepts together with managers and researchers. The course is split into four components:

  • methodological lectures
  • work in project teams
  • participation in InnoBridge events (InnoMatch, InnoDrive, DemoDay)
  • for Information Systems students: research methodology in digital entrepreneurship


This course uses a broad range of teaching methods to empower students for their technology innovation challenges:

  • Readings, lectures and class discussions on concepts and tools
  • Real-life cases of entrepreneurial ventures
  • Group works to apply newly acquired knowledge and strengthen soft skills
  • Peer-to- peer workshops
  • Industry experts as guest speakers

During the work in project teams as well as during the InnoBridge events, all teams will have access to experienced mentors.

V - Course Structure

Expected course of events

2.11., 13:00 - 18:00: Innomatch

7.11., 9:00 - 18:00: Innodrive Weekend (Venture design)

11.11., 16:00 - 19:00: Innodrive on Venture design (Prototyping)

18.11., 16:00 - 19:00: Innodrive at ESCP Europe (Technology and venture growth)

25.11., 16:00 - 19:00: Innodrive at ESCP Europe (Intellectual property)

02.12., 17:00 - 20:00: Demo Day

03.12., 15:00 - 18:00: Innodrive Debriefing

(for MSc in Information Systems):
9.12., 16:00 - 19:00: Research Methods in Digital Entrepreneurship
13.1., 16:00 - 18:00 Final day


The course is graded as follows:

  • Project team work including management of interdisciplinary collaboration (75 %)
  • Individual reflection (25 %)

The course is considered validated if the overall average grade is above 10/20 and if none of the module grades are inferior or equal to 7/20.

Basic Course Info

Course No Course Type Hours
19316101 Vorlesung 2
19316102 Übung 2

Time Span
Hannes Rothe

Study Regulation

0086c_k150 2014, BSc Informatik (Mono), 150 LPs
0086d_k135 2014, BSc Informatik (Mono), 135 LPs
0087d_k90 2015, BSc Informatik (Kombi), 90 LPs
0088d_m60 2015, MSc Informatik (Kombi), 60 LPs
0089b_MA120 2008, MSc Informatik (Mono), 120 LPs
0089c_MA120 2014, MSc Informatik (Mono), 120 LPs
0207b_m37 2015, MSc Informatik (Lehramt), 37 LPs
0208b_m42 2015, MSc Informatik (Lehramt), 42 LPs
0458a_m37 2015, MSc Informatik (Lehramt), 37 LPs
0471a_m42 2015, MSc Informatik (Lehramt), 42 LPs
0556a_m37 2018, M-Ed Fach 1 Informatik (Lehramt an Integrierten Sekundarschulen und Gymnasien), 37 LPs
0557a_m42 2018, M-Ed Fach 2 Informatik (Lehramt an Integrierten Sekundarschulen und Gymnasien), 42 LPs

Technology Entrepreneurship W20/21
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Technology Entrepreneurship W20/21
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Technology Entrepreneurship W20/21
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