Mustererkennung / Machine Learning W20/21
to Whiteboard Site



We post a youtube video each week and you ask your questions in Q&A sessions (link see below). These are the dates for the sessions:

02 Nov 2020 - Introduction, notation, k-nearest neighbors
09 Nov 2020 - Clustering (kMeans, DBSCAN)
16 Nov 2020 - Linear and logistic regression
23 Nov 2020 - Model validation
30 Nov 2020 - The covariance matrix, PCA
07 Dec 2020 - Bagging, decision trees, random forests
14 Dec 2020 - Boosting (AdaBoost), Viola-Jones
21 Dec 2020* - Perceptron, multi-layer perceptron
11 Jan 2021 - Gradient Descent, Backprop, Optimizers (SGD, Adam, RProp)
18 Jan 2021 - ConvNets
25 Jan 2021 - Unsupervised representation learning I  (VAEs, Glow)
01 Feb 2021 - Unsupervised representation learning II (GANs)
08 Feb 2021 - RNNs
15 Feb 2021 - Attention, Transformers
22 Feb 2021 - Attribution, Adversarial Examples (BONUS)

* optional Q&A session (Christmas holidays!)

Video Lectures on YouTube 



Lecture Q&A sessions

Assignments Q&A sessions

Discord Server


Hand in your assignments here (Create a group of two/three people, see discord):

Guideline for Reviews


Basics in linear algebra, algorithms and data structures. 

Basic Course Info

Course No Course Type Hours
19304201 Vorlesung 2
19304202 Übung 2

Time Span 02.11.2020 - 01.03.2021
Tim Landgraf
Daniel Göhring
Maximilian Gerhard Granz
Luis Herrmann

Study Regulation

0086c_k150 2014, BSc Informatik (Mono), 150 LPs
0086d_k135 2014, BSc Informatik (Mono), 135 LPs
0087d_k90 2015, BSc Informatik (Kombi), 90 LPs
0088d_m60 2015, MSc Informatik (Kombi), 60 LPs
0089b_MA120 2008, MSc Informatik (Mono), 120 LPs
0089c_MA120 2014, MSc Informatik (Mono), 120 LPs
0207b_m37 2015, MSc Informatik (Lehramt), 37 LPs
0208b_m42 2015, MSc Informatik (Lehramt), 42 LPs
0458a_m37 2015, MSc Informatik (Lehramt), 37 LPs
0471a_m42 2015, MSc Informatik (Lehramt), 42 LPs
0556a_m37 2018, M-Ed Fach 1 Informatik (Lehramt an Integrierten Sekundarschulen und Gymnasien), 37 LPs
0557a_m42 2018, M-Ed Fach 2 Informatik (Lehramt an Integrierten Sekundarschulen und Gymnasien), 42 LPs
0590b_MA120 2021, MSc Data Science, 120 LP

Mustererkennung / Machine Learning W20/21
to Whiteboard Site

Main Events

Day Time Location Details
Monday 10-12 Online 2020-11-02 - 2021-02-22

Accompanying Events

Day Time Location Details
Monday 14-16 Online Übung 01

Mustererkennung / Machine Learning W20/21
to Whiteboard Site

Most Recent Announcement

2020-11-26:  Change in Lecture Plan

Dear students, 

Luis, Max and I have updated our lecture plan,

These items have changed: 

  • We will have an optional Q&A session on Perceptron and MLPs on 21 Dec 2020.
  • The mid-term exam will be published 4 Jan 2020, 10:00 and required to be submitted 13:00.  See below for more details. 
  • All lecture Q&As of the second half are shifted by one week (see below)
  • The final exam will be published 27 Feb 2020, 10:00 and required to be submitted 13:00. 

New Q&A dates (videos will be made available in the week before, assignments are due at least one week later):

02 Nov 2020 - Introduction, notation, k-nearest neighbors
09 Nov 2020 - Clustering (kMeans, DBSCAN)
16 Nov 2020 - Linear and logistic regression
23 Nov 2020 - Model validation
30 Nov 2020 - The covariance matrix, PCA
07 Dec 2020 - Bagging, decision trees, random forests
14 Dec 2020 - Boosting (AdaBoost), Viola-Jones
21 Dec 2020* - Perceptron, multi-layer perceptron
11 Jan 2021 - Gradient Descent, Backprop, Optimizers (SGD, Adam, RProp)
18 Jan 2021 - ConvNets
25 Jan 2021 - Unsupervised representation learning I  (VAEs, Glow)
01 Feb 2021 - Unsupervised representation learning II (GANs)
08 Feb 2021 - RNNs
15 Feb 2021 - Reinforcement Learning, Policy Gradients
22 Feb 2021 - Attribution, Adversarial Examples (BONUS)

Mid-term and final exams

After a lengthy discussion we agreed to:

  • conduct exams in a 3 hours window (as opposed to a day or more)
  • you download the questions at 10:00 and submit your answers to the whiteboard not later than 13:00 
  • You will find a mix of multiple choice and full-text questions

Why don't we get more time?

The reasons we decided for this solution are

  • 3 hours are enough time for something that we usually do in 45 min
  • giving you more time creates potential for unfairness and requires the questions to be harder to copy/paste from the web

So, in other words: exams will be shorter and easier. 

Take care, 

Max, Luis and Tim


Published by: Tim Landgraf
Older announcements

Mustererkennung / Machine Learning W20/21
to Whiteboard Site

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