Termine / Orte
Datum | Vortragender |
Mi. 03.5.2017 | Dr. Alexander Linke (WIAS, Berlin) |
Mi. 17.5.2017 | Dr. Piotr Smolarkiewicz (ECMWF, Reading) |
Do. 18.5.2017 | Julian Köllermeier (RWTH Aachen) |
Fr. 26.5.2017 | Prof. Dr. Gregor Gassner (Universität Köln) |
Mi. 31.5.2017 | Christopher Pütz (FU Berlin) |
Fr. 09.6.2017 | Prof. Dr. Kathrin Padberg-Gehle (Universität Lüneburg) |
Do. 29.6.2017 | Dr. Juan Pedro Mellado (MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg) |
Mi. 05.7.2017 | Dr. Christian Kühnlein (ECMWF, Reading) |
Mi. 12.7.2017 | Dr. Colin Cotter (Imperial College, London) |
Mi. 06.9.2017 | Dr. Erik Wahlen (Lund University) |
Das Seminar findet an der FU-Berlin in der Arnimallee 6 im Raum SR 031 von 15:15 bis 16:45 Uhr statt.
Wir freuen uns am Mittwoch (6.9.2017) Dr. Erik Wahlen (Lund University, Schweden) bei uns im Seminar begrüßen zu dürfen. Der Titel des Vortrages lautet "Solitary water waves".
Der abstract des Vortrages:
The theory of solitary waves (or solitons) has its origin in the observation of a solitary water wave by John Scott Russell in 1834 and his subsequent experiments. His findings were explained mathematically in the framework of the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation at the end of the 19th century. The KdV equation can be derived as an asymptotic model for small-amplitude shallow water waves starting from the incompressible Euler equations with a free surface. In this talk I will discuss what can be said about solitary waves for the original hydrodynamical problem. If surface tension or hydroelastic effects are included (the latter being relevant for thin ice sheets on water), there is a wide variety of solitary waves, including two-dimensional wave patterns which decay in every horizontal direction. I will give some ideas of the mathematical methods involved. If time permits I will also say something about analytical and numerical stability results.
Für die abstracts und Titel der kommenden Vorträge sei auf den Mathematics Calendar des ZIB verwiesen (www.zib.de/mathematics-calendar).
Rupert Klein | Arnimallee 6, Raum 135 |
Sekretariat: Ulrike Eickers, Arnimallee 6, Raum 134 | |
Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung | |
E-mail: rupert.klein{at}math.fu-berlin.de | |
Stephan Gerber | Arnimallee 9, Raum 103 |
Sekretariat: Ulrike Eickers, Arnimallee 6, Raum 134 | |
Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung | |
E-mail: sgerber{at}zedat.fu-berlin.de |
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