On Monday, November 5, Karin & Lena will lead an excursion to Leipzig where Fields medalist Peter Scholze will deliver the Chow Lectures. There will be an extensive pre-lecture program to bring you up to speed.
Departure at 7am with ICE 595.
Inhalt: eine Auswahl der Themen
- Eigenschaften von Morphismen (eigentlich, projektiv, glatt)
- (quasi-)cohärente Garben
- Divisoren
- Kohomologie
- Hilbert-Funktion
[GW] Götz, Wedhorn: Algebraic Geometry I. Vieweg+Teubner, 2010.
[H] Hartshorne: Algebraic Geometry. Springer GTM 52, 1977.
[EH] Eisenbud, Harris: The Geometry of Schemes. Springer GTM 197, 2000.
[CLS] Cox, Little, Schenck: Toric Varieties. AMS GSM 124, 2011.
[V] Vakil: The Rising Sea: Foundations Of Algebraic Geometry, 2017.
10-16 | Overview; Proj of a graded ring | [GW (13.1)-(13.2)], [H pp 76-77], [V §4.5] |
10-23 | separated morphisms cones and dual cones | [GW (9.1)-(9.4)], [V 1.3.S] [CLS, 1.2.1-1.2.5] |
10-30 | proper morphisms finite ⇒ proper projective space is proper | [GW (12.13)], [V 10.3] [V 10.3.3] [V 10.3.5] |
11-6 | ||
11-13 | ||
11-20 | ||
11-27 | ||