
Die Studentinnen und Studenten haben ein tieferes Verständnis für Konzepte in der Programmierung mit einer höheren Programmiersprache (z. B. C/C++, Java oder Python).


Einführung in verschiedene Arten von Programmiertechniken.



This course will start with a high intensity block phase in the first two weeks of the Semester (Oct 14 - Oct 25) with lecture and programming exercises (exact time slots will follow, collisions with other lectures will be avoided!). The aim is to assure that all students, especially those without profound programming skills, will be able to solve the programming tasks in other courses (e.g. machine learning) of the first semester. Hence, this course will not dive very deep into data science analysis, which will be the focus of the other courses, but it will lay the basis so students can focus on the machine learning parts and do not struggle with basic programming elements. The focus of the block phase will be Python programming. The block phase will be online in Webex (https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin-en/j.php?MTID=ma28eb89afa3572def3b9340358e73d8f)

After the block part, the remaining (5) lectures will be on C++ programming, so that students also gain insights into a non-scripted programming language useful for runtime critical applications. Weekly lectures will be on-site, Monday 12-16, Arnimallee 3, SR 120 (see calendar)

Block Phase:

Preliminary time slots for the first two weeks (needs coordination with other lectures)

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
14.10. - 18.10. 12 - 18 10 - 16 10 - 16

10 - 16

10 - 12 +

16 - 18

21.10. - 25.10. 12 - 18 10 - 16 10 - 16

10 - 16

10 - 12 +

16 - 18

What we do:
  • In the block phase, we will have a daily routine where we begin with a lecture introducing the new topic, followed by individual (or in groups of two) work on the associated exercises. Whenever necessary, I am available for assistance via Webex Teams.
Tests (preliminary):
  • To pass the course "aktive Teilnahme" you need to pass the short tests that will each cover a short sprint of 3 lectures/exercises.
  • Together with the C++ part after the block phase there will be a total of four Tests.
  • Tests will be scored as
    • FAILED: < 25%
    • BRONZE: >= 25%
    • SILVER: >= 50%
    • GOLD: 100%
  • Passing the course:
    • To pass the course you need at least a BRONZE medal in all tests and at least three SILVER medals (GOLD medals are for ego-boosting only).
    • In case of
      • A) three SILVER medals and one FAILED or
      • B) two SILVER medals and two BRONZE medals
        you have one extra chance with another test at the end of the course where you need a SILVER medal.
Sprint  Topic  Test    
14.10. - 17.10.  Python I-IV  21.10. (12:30)
18.10. - 22.10.  Python V-VII  25.10. (10:15)
23.10. - 25.10.  Python VIII-X  30.10. (10:15)
11.11. - 02.12  C++ I-IV   09.12. (12:15)


Test gradings:

Points required to get gold, silver or bronze:

Test gradings:

Points required to get gold, silver or bronze:

I (21.10.) 26 14 7
|| (tbd.) 25 14 7
||| (tbd.) 24 12 6
IV (tbd.)    tbd. tbd. tbd.
Extra (tbd.)  tbd. tbd. tbd.



Course Format

The block course will be online, based on the Webex. This will be our communication channel, where you can follow the lecture, discuss questions and get support to solve your programming exercises in personal chats and screen sharing. For the weekly part after the block phase we will shift to an on-site mode (Wednesday 10-14, Arnimallee 6, SR 109 (see calendar))!

So you need:

  • computer (unix/mac preferred)
  • Webex up and running (check Zedat portal)
  • stable internet connection
  • microphone