Seminar/Proseminar: Machine Learning for Process Control
Numerous real-world processes need to be kept under control in order to ensure safety or efficiency. Machine learning models are good candidates for this. They can for example detect shifts/anomalies/decalibrations/instabilities/etc. and possibly also predict which action needs to be taken on the process. The real-time nature of such tasks brings unique challenges from a ML perspective compared to classical application of ML. This seminar will explore relevant ML methods such as online/reinforcement learning and real-time data analysis. Use cases in manufacturing and intensive care will be covered.
Students will select a few papers from a pool of thematically relevant research papers, which they will read and present over the course of the semester.
Kick-off meeting: Friday 27 October 2023 at 16:15 in room T9/049 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
Information about the course: here
Presenter-Paper matching:
Siyu Deng:
- Yoon et al. AI in critical care medicine, 2022
Se Yeon Kim:
- Li et al. Towards intelligent monitoring system in WAAM, 2022
Nathan Ritter:
- Yoon et al. AI in critical care medicine, 2022
Jakob Isai Knitter:
- Au-Yeung et al. Real-time ML-based ICU alarm classification [...], 2021
Julian Hesse:
- Wang et al. Active disturbance rejection control of layer width in WAAM based on DL, 2021