
In this seminar, we will study literature on multi-criteria optimization problems. That is, mathematical programming or graph theory problems with multiple, possibly conflicting objective functions. There will be papersdealing with applied problems as well as more theoretical ones.


Schedule & Location:
  • First meeting (introduction and topic assignment): October 23, 10-12 am, ZIB seminar room 2006
  • Second meeting (kick-off): November
  • Summary submission deadline: January
  • Talks: February
Requirements & Formalities: 

Students should have some background in graph theory (e.g., Discrete Mathematics I at FU) and for some papers preferably some in mathematical (linear) optimization.

In November, you are supposed to give a short, introductory talk (at most 5 minutes) on your topic.

To obtain the credit points, you are also required to hand in a short summary of your talk (please use LaTeX, 5-8 pages). The summary should be sent by e-mail to your advisor (Niels, Pedro or Ricardo). The summary will be graded and then handed back to you. We hope that this feedback will enable you to give a better presentation.

The seminar itself will take place on one or two days in the last weeks of the semester. Talks should be prepared for 45 minutes, so that a duration of 60 minutes including questions is not exceeded. Having submitted the summary is a requirement for participation.

Your final grade will be composed of 60% and 40% from the evaluation of your talk and paper, respectively.