
We switched rooms. The course now takes place in Arnimalle 7, Room 031, both Tuesday and Thursday.

The course starts April 19, 12-14, in Room 119 in Arnimallee 3. Please make sure to attend since important organisational issues will be taken care of. Act responsibly and respect the usual hygiene rules, in particular, wear an FFP2 mask.


The goal of this course is to acquire a deeper understanding of fundamental mathematical and algorithmic concepts in the field of modeling, simulation and analysis of complex biological systems in the context of current research trends in system biology and biotechnology. Students will become capable of analyzing a given biological or medical problem, selecting a suitable modeling approach, independently developing a solution and assessing and communicating the results.

– Network structure analysis
– Graphical modeling
– Differential equation modeling of biochemical networks
– Discrete modeling of regulatory networks
– Constraint-based modeling of metabolic networks
– Stochastic modeling


Additional info

The course consists of lectures, exercises and seminars. It is structured in four blocks of different lenght:

April 19 - May 3: Networks and logical models.

May 5 - June 2: Differential equation models.

June 6 - June 16: Constraint-based modeling.

June 21 - July 19: Graphical models and reverse engineering.

There will be an oral exam in the last week of lectures.


Active Participation (Deliverables):

Seminar: Every participant has to prepare and deliver a seminar talk. Topics and time slots will be discussed in the first lecture. Regular particpation is required in the seminar.

Exercises: Problem sheets will be handed out regularly, solutions need to be handed in. For each block, 50% of the available points need to be scored to pass. More information will be provided at the start of each block.