Tuesdays 10-12, SR 001/Villa Arnimallee 2 -- until May 10
Mondays, 10-12, SR 001/Villa Arnimallee 2 -- starting May 23
Thursdays 10-12, SR 001/Villa Arnimallee 2
This is the second in a series of three courses on discrete geometry. The aim of the course is a skillful handling of discrete geometric structures with an emphasis on metric and convex geometric properties. In the course we will develop central themes in metric and convex geometry including proof techniques and applications to other areas in mathematics.
The material will be a selection of the following topics:
Linear programming and some applications
- Linear programming and duality
- Pivot rules and the diameter of polytopes
Subdivisions and triangulations
- Delaunay and Voronoi
- Delaunay triangulations and inscribable polytopes
- Weighted Voronoi diagrams and optimal transport
Basic structures in discrete geometry
- point configurations and arrangements
- incidence problems
- geometric selection theorems
- epsilon-nets
Basic structures in convex geometry
- separation theorems
- convex bodies and polytopes/polyhedra
- polarity
- Mahler’s conjecture
- approximation by polytopes
Volumes and roundness
- Hilbert’s third problem
- volumes and mixed volumes
- volume computations and estimates
- Löwner-John ellipsoids and roundness
- valuations
Geometric inequalities
- Brunn-Minkowski and Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality
- isoperimetric inequalities
- measure concentration and phenomena in high-dimensions
Geometry of numbers
- lattices
- Minkowski's (first) theorem
- successive minima
- lattice points in convex bodies and Ehrhart's theorem
- Ehrhart-Macdonald reciprocity
Sphere packings
- lattice packings and coverings
- the Theorem of Minkowski-Hlawka
- analytic methods
Applications in optimization, number theory, algebra, algebraic geometry, and functional analysis
The course will use material from
- G. M. Ziegler: "Lectures on Polytopes" (Springer 1995)
- P. M. Gruber: "Convex and Discrete Geometry" (Springer 2007)
- J. Matousek: "Lectures on Discrete Geometry" (Springer 2002)
and various other sources quoted in class.
Further Information
Solid background in linear algebra and some analysis. Basic knowledge and experience with polytopes and/or convexity (as from the course "Discrete Geometry I") will be helpful.
Is this a Course for You?
This is a course for students with an interest in discrete mathematics and (convex) geometry. The course is a good entry point for a specialization in discrete geometry. The topics addressed in the course supplement and deepen the understanding for discrete-geometric structures appearing in differential geometry, topology, combinatorics, and algebraic geometry.