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From fundamental laser physics to modern laser sources and their applications

Using the basic working principles of lasers as a point of departure, current developments in laser technology and their application in diverse research fields will be discussed. What aspects of laser architecture and variations of the laser scheme can lead to novel technologies such as optical frequency combs, which offer new dimensions in measurement precision and an accuracy beyond the established microwave standard in atomic clocks? What limits short-wavelength lasers and how is coherent radiation down to the x-ray regime obtained? What is the technology behind the generation of the shortest laser pulse to date? How do micro-cavities and the miniaturization of lasers down to the wavelength of light contribute to modern optics and how can traditional gas lasers inspire new approaches such as controlled lasing in air at long distance for atmospheric science? With these and other topics, the fundamental concepts of cavities and Q-factors, gain, threshold and saturation as well as different inversion strategies, pumping mechanisms and amplification schemes are re-explored in the context of the most current achievements and applications of lasers.


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