
Wenn eine Veranstaltungsinstanz aus einer Schablone erstellt wird, befindet sie sich in diesem Zustand.

  • Die Daten sind in der Regel noch nicht vollständig und es kann noch alles bearbeitet werden.
  • Dozenten und Sekretariate können den Zuständ auf Bearbeitet setzen.


Complex networks play a central role in biological modeling. In many medical applications the networks of interest, such as contact networks describing the spread of a disease or molecular networks capturing important cell functions, are not static but change over time. Understanding the way essential network charasteristics evolve temporally often is crucial in the search for control mechanisms to counteract or prohibit detrimental effects and is thus a key challenge in fields such as epidemiology or evolutionary medicine. Within the seminar we will duscuss basic theory, applications and challenges of time-evolving networks in the field of medical research on the basis of recent journal publications.


Complex networks play a central role in biological modeling. In many medical applications the networks of interest, such as contact networks describing the spread of a disease or molecular networks capturing important cell functions, are not static but change over time. Understanding the way essential network charasteristics evolve temporally often is crucial in the search for control mechanisms to counteract or prohibit detrimental effects and is thus a key challenge in fields such as epidemiology or evolutionary medicine. Within the seminar we will duscuss basic theory, applications and challenges of time-evolving networks in the field of medical research on the basis of recent journal publications.


Werdende Mütter

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Alternative Lehrveranstaltung
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Stillende Mütter

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Alternative Lehrveranstaltung
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